October 31, 2007

trick or treat

I want to wish everyone a Happy Howloween!!!! This is my first one ever, and I'm still learning about what happens during this holiday. So far it seems like business as usual, except for the fact that we had some weird orange vegetables show up on the porch earlier this week.

Last night I helped out with the "pumpkin carving". Everyone took turns scooping and carving, but nobody would let me lick the pumpkin guts. I kept an eye on the gourds and provided the artistic direction while my minions...er, the humans, did ALL the work:

It may be a little last-minute (isn't it always the way!), but I finally picked out my Howloween costume:

Have a safe night everyone!
Tito the Boston Scarier

UPDATED to tell you that my dreams of becoming a skunk for Howloween were not realized. But I did get dressed for the occasion thanks to my dog walker, Janelle.

Janelle left me a yummy bag of treats and this festive pumpkin bandana when she visited me on Wednesday. Here, allow me to model it.....

Howloween was pretty good. I was a little disappointed that we only had 20 trick or treaters come to the door, but I was still sure to greet them all. Maybe next year!

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